One of the best ways to ‘Get Connected’ at The Door Pensacola is to jump in and get involved. The Door Pensacola exists as a local congregation to witness to the world the love of God as revealed in His Son Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, exalted, and soon-returning Savior and King. We seek to teach the Word of God and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Children are the hope of our future, so we aim to give them a solid foundation of Bible understanding. In order to facilitate this, we provide a children’s church ministry during the Sunday morning service that helps them to learn in a context and style suitable for them. This includes music, games, and object lessons. An atmosphere that encourages the younger generation to love God, His Word, and His people while showing practical ways to incorporate each lesson into their everyday lives.
In addition to our weekly services, we focus on personal evangelism throughout the city every Saturday morning. During the summer we have many outreach ministries that focus on preaching the Gospel in local parks, gathering places, and neighborhoods.